St. George's Catholic Church
403.854.3281 • St.Georges@netago.ca
608 1st Street West
Box 1299, Hanna AB, T0J 1P0
- Pastor: Fr. Rodel Abanto (403.589.9300)
- Rosary: Twenty minutes before Sunday Mass
- Sacrament of Reconciliation: After Masses or by appointment
- Baptisms: Parents are urged to prepare for Baptism of their child one month in advance
- Marriages: Please contact the office at least six months prior to the wedding date
Mass Time
- Sunday at 9:00 AM
- Thursday at 7:00 PM
- Friday at 10:00 AM
Catholic Women’s League Every second Wednesday after 7:00 PM Mass. No meetings July and August.
Knight’s of Columbus Every third Wednesday after 7:00 PM Mass. No meetings July and August.
Catechism / Youth Group
Catechism for Grades 1-6 is Tuesday at the church after school.
Acadia Valley & Oyen Mass Times
Call Fr. Rodel Abanto for Mass Times.